ICIMTech 2019 invited Michael Jovan, an Alumni of BINUS as well as the co-founder of TaniHub and TaniFund. On his keynote speech, he delivered a simple yet meaningful storytelling. He delivered a story about Steve Jobs, the owner of Apple. As we know that Steve Jobs have been very successful in introducing Apple to all the people all over the world. However, it didn’t go smooth at first because in 1997 Apple suffered from terrible year. They produce many product lines and hence they suffered for so many losses.

After hitting that losses, they conducted product review and cut many product lines with only focusing on 4 products. This strategy delivered them to achieve profit from their 3 products. This achievement is because of Steve Jobs is being creative and passionate. The three main keys of Steve Jobs for being such a successful entrepreneur are “Focus, Simplicity, and Ability to say NO”.

By focusing only on 4 products, Apple starts to rise and achieve profit. Apple reduces 70% of its product lines and only focusing on 4 products. Moreover, they could produce their best product as they highly pay attention on creating high quality products. Once they focus, they should provide a product as simple as possible so that people can easily use it. Machine should be elegant, and the earlier Macintosh deliver the value of simplicity is the ultimate. Finally, ability to say NO. It is a belief that you make the things that you are not to do and hence the opportunity is there. Be honest when you don’t know, and you can solve it by collaborating and connecting the dots. As what we always know about Steve Jobs’s quote “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”