Honorable Mention Award dari Hackaton 2024 Bank Indonesia

Finance Program students, School of Accounting, Bina Nusantara University, Fanessa Anddromeda and Valerie Devina with Computer Program students of Bina Nusantara University, namely Angelina Diva and Rosa Palibo, participated in the competition organized by Bank Indonesia Hackaton 2024 with the theme Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Digital Economy and Finance in Indonesia. The team from Bina Nusantara University brought “Harvest Hero,” which made it to the semifinals of 16 teams, which resulted from a selection from 2000+ registrants with 450 groups that submitted. This is a significant achievement where finance students can apply the knowledge they have gained during their studies by combining artificial intelligence and machine learning in their “Harvest Hero” proposal. “Harvest Hero is a Smart Farming 4.0 application that utilizes AI and ML to provide weather and harvest time prediction features, distribution features that connect farmers and consumers directly, agricultural technology service center development features in rural areas, real-time crop condition monitoring features using drones & sensors, as well as e-learning and training features with professional trainers to reduce the instability of rice supply and prices and increase agricultural efficiency to suppress inflation and maintain food stability to improve farmer welfare. Hopefully, the ideas and work of finance and computer students at Bina Nusantara University will benefit the community.

In this event, we are incredibly proud to share that our students Fanessa Anddromeda and Valerie Devina from the Finance Program, along with Angelina Diva and Rosa Palibo from the Computer Science Program, have made remarkable strides in the prestigious Bank Indonesia Hackathon 2024, which has successfully advanced to the semifinals, placing them among the top 16 teams and also earning them an Honorable Mention award!
