Academic Experience for First Year Students – Fundamental Course for Finance

Kegiatan: Academic Experience for First Year Students – Fundamental Course for Finance

Tanggal : 3 September 2024

Waktu: 13.20 sd 17.00PM

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Pada tanggal 3 September 2024, mahasiswa baru B2028 Program Finance mengikuti kegiatan academic experience dengan materi Fundamental Course for Finance, yang berlangsung sebanyak 7 sesi, dimana 4 sesi adalah sesi onsite dan 3 sesi adalah sesi online. Adapun materi yang akan disampaikan pada 4 sesi tatap muka yang berlangsung pada 3 dan 5 September 2024, yaitu introduction to accounting, Fundamental of Finance, Accounting Software, Reading & Writing Skills for Academic Purpose Introduction. Adapun materi untuk tanggal 3 september adalah introduction to accounting dan fundamental of finance. Tujuan dari pengenalan managerial accounting adalah agar mahasiswa Understand and able to explain the overview of accounting by using Excel dan Understand and able to explain the overview of managerial accounting and how to allocate the asset efficiently and effectively. Sedangkan tujuan dari fundamental of finance adalah agar mahasiswa Understand the fundamental of finance and needs of accountants. Subtopic dari introduction to accounting sendiri adalah Explanation of the Basic Formula, The Home Tab of The Ribbon, The Insert Tab, Tools in Microsoft Excel, Understanding Basic Formula in Excel, Understanding Workbooks & Worksheets. Dan subtopic dari fundamental of finance adalah Debt and Equity, Financial Markets and Financial Instruments, Introduction to Risk and Return, Time Value of Money and interest rates, Valuation.

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