Finance Program is a distinguished program that provides comprehensive knowledge in Finance, Accounting and Financial Technology (Fin-Tech). This program will equip students with knowledge that enable them to analyze, evaluate and making Financing, and Investment decisions. Besides, students are also introduced and expected to embrace the trend of Fin-Tech that grows rapidly and leads to financial disruption which transforms the financial industry very quickly.

In order to provide students with deeper understanding in the finance specialization, the Finance Program focus on four areas.

Financial Services
Students are introduced to Define money and monetary system, coverage of Bank and sources of bank’s fund, allocation of bank’s fund; Explain the system of interest rate Indonesian Bank and other services of bank; Describe the role of Indonesia central Bank, Indonesia Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK), the Capital market, Money market and Foreign exchange market; Explain other types of financial institutions in Indonesia such as Leasing, Factoring, Venture Capital, Pegadaian, Koperasi Simpan Pinjam, Insurance, Pension Funds and International Financial Institutions.

Corporate Finance
Student will learn the concepts and practical applications in fundamental financial knowledge in order to make effective financing and investment decisions in an increasingly competitive business environment. The subject will cover fundamentals of finance such as time value of money, financial ratio analysis, risk and return, stock and bond valuation, capital budgeting, the cost of capital, leverage and working capital management.

Investment Management
Student will learn how to evaluate investments as individual or in the context of portfolio investment. Student will be able to understand the concept of investment, to measure the risk and return of investment, to evaluate stock and bond as asset instruments, to construct and evaluate a good portfolio of assets, and to examine derivative instrument and alternative assets.

Students are also introduced and expected to embrace the trend of Fin-Tech that grows rapidly and leads to financial disruption which transforms the financial industry very quickly. The student will be introduced to the awareness of Fin-Tech such as Digital Banking and Big Data analysis.